ETEX Platform and Technical Requirements
The ETEX internet based platform is designed for companies with firm transport requirements, to optimize their transport position within a liquid, transparent and confidential trading environment.
After a transaction occurs on the platform, ETEX customers will work with the underlying pipeline service provider and follow their transport assignment process. Assignment procedures will vary based on pipeline involved in the transaction.
Transactions completed on the ETEX platform are contractually binding, subject to both NGTL and ETEX user agreements and credit policies and are enforced as outlined in each companies user agreement- separate and independent of each other. All participants, including authorized agents, who enter into a transaction or post bids and offers on the ETEX platform must have the required NGTL transportation contracts and authorizations. All transactions will be settled physically through the NGTL assignment process. ETEX is not working in collaboration with NGTL nor is there any agreement – outside the standard NGTL user agreement – between ETEX and NGTL. ETEX does not enforce NGTL policies and NGTL does not enforce ETEX policies.
In order to maintain anonymity, ETEX will be the counter party to each buyer and seller for every transaction 3 months or less. Each transaction will result in 3 assignments with NGTL listed as follows:
Permanent assignment from seller to ETEX
Temporary assignment from ETEX to buyer
Permanent assignment (less temp assignment term) back from ETEX to original seller
All three assignment steps will need to occur for a transaction to be considered confirmed. ETEX will notify NGTL by email of the intent of the transaction so NTGL will be aware of the 3 assignments happening together.
The assignment process with NGTL will be initiated by the seller. Both buyer and seller are required to accept the assignment requests from ETEX as approved by NGTL. The ETEX platform displays (located under the My Company Deals tab) the updated status of the assignment as each party confirms the process of the transaction. It mirrors the NGTL transportation nominations process for the assignments of the FT-R or FT-D contract. Once NGTL approves all the assignments, the transaction process is completed.
Technical Requirements
Core (TM) i3 or above (Recommend)
System Type
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Operation System
1. Windows 10, RM-8.0 Or
2. Mac OS version 10.13 RAM-8.0 GB (or above)
(16 GB Ram will provide smoother experieince)
Google Chrome Version 90.x or above
Browser Resolution
Screen Resolution
1366 x 768 to 1920 x 1080
Additional Softwares
1. PDF Viewer
2. MS Excel
3. Image Viewer